1. Parties

and South Australia Speech and Hearing Centre (SASHC) Pty Ltd.

3. Schedule of Supports

The provider agrees to provide the participant speech pathology and audiological support (if required) for the duration stated above. This service may include administration of assessments for the purpose of evaluation of therapy outcomes and goal setting, provision of written assessment reports and/or progress reports if needed.

The provider's pricing structure is in line with the NDIS pricing structured and as such, the provider will adhere to the pricing guidelines of the NDIS. Participants will be notified of changes to the fee schedule in writing should there be changes. 

All prices are GST inclusive (if applicable) and include the cost of providing the supports.

Non face-to-face activities pertaining to the provision of the participant’s therapy and treatment will also form part of the therapeutic supports. Examples of these include up to 10 minutes for resource generation, planning and note management.

4. Responsibilities of the Provider

The responsibilities of the provider are as follows:

  • review the provision of supports at least 6-monthly with the participant/participant representative;

  • Provide the participant with services agreed upon where possible at a time that suits the participant;

  • communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner;

  • treat the participant with courtesy and respect;

  • consult the participant on decisions about how supports are provided;

  • give the participant information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of the provider cancellation policy (if applicable);

  • listen to the participant’s feedback and resolve problems quickly;

  • give the participant a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if the provider has to change a scheduled appointment to provide supports (except in cases of clinician illness or emergency where such notice may not be possible)

  • give the participant the required notice if the provider needs to end this Service Agreement (see ‘ Ending this Service Agreement’  below for more information);

  • Provide participants with a summary progress report to be available at the participant’s upon request

5. Responsibilities of the Participant

The responsibilities of the participant are as follows:

  • inform the provider about how they wish the supports to be delivered to meet the participant’s needs;

  • treat the provider with courtesy and respect;

  • discuss with the provider if the participant has any concerns about the supports being provided;

  • give the provider as much notice of possible if the participant cannot make a scheduled appointment to avoid cancellation fees

  • give the provider the required notice if the participant needs to end the Service Agreement (see ‘ Ending this Service Agreement’  below for more information)

6. Cancellations

The Provider will send out reminders for all scheduled appointments, however, no shows and appointments cancelled within the short notice period (defined by the Provider as notice of less than 48 hours from the scheduled appointment time slot) from the scheduled time will incur a fee of 100% of the agreed fee).

Late attendance

We make every effort to send out appointment reminders, and we ask that you respect our clinicians time. Arriving late not only impacts your appointment but also those of other patients scheduled throughout the day. Consequently, we are unable to complete full assessments for late arrivals. Therefore, patients who arrive 10 minutes or more past their scheduled appointment time will not be seen and a full appointment fee will be charged. 

7. Payments

The provider will seek payment for their provision of supports approved by the participant/participant’s representative in the participant’s service delivery plan after the provision of each support.

Please provide the contact name of the person in charge of payment for services

8. Communication

In order to provide a coordinated service, the provider will communicate with other providers engaged in supports to the participant as required during the duration of this plan. Permission forms will need to be completed by the participant/participant representative prior to release of information or communication between agencies. If the participant’s representative does not wish the provider to have contact with other providers, this will be specified in writing.

9. Attendance

The participant’s regular and timely attendance to therapy sessions is required to help the participant work towards their goals. The provider may be required to end this Service Agreement and cease therapy if there are significant patterns of non-attendance.

Participant appointment times are set in agreement between the provider and the participant/participant representative; it is anticipated that participants attend sessions at the allocated times. The provider will send reminders and confirmation text messages to support attendance; however, the provider reserves the right to refuse or provide a shorter session if the participant is late to sessions.

The parties (provider and participant) agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement if changes to the supports are required. The parties agree that any significant changes to this Service Agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.

10. Ending this Service Agreement

Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement 2 weeks’ notice will need to be provided in writing. If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.

11. Feedback, Complaints and Disputes

If the participant wishes to offer the provider feedback, the participant is invited to   contact the Practice Manager  by leaving a message via the reception desk on   08   8272 9997 or emailing

For all complaints, the participant is invited to contact the Practice Manager by leaving a message via the reception desk on 08 8272 9997.

14. Contact Details

Participant/Participant Representative Contact Details

Provider Contact

Contact Name

South Australia Speech and Hearing Centre Pty Ltd


08 8272 9997


08 8272 9995



408 Goodwood Road, Cumberland Park, SA 5041

15. Agreement Signatures

The parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Provider Name : South Australia Speech and Hearing Centre Pty Ltd